Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome, Hipcheckers & Headbangers!

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I probably have a MySpace account so why clutter the blog-o-sphere with yet another meaningless website dedicated to raves, rants, beligerent put downs and so fourth? Well, I got two words for ya: FREE COUNTRY.

I plan to discuss the three things that fill my life at the moment. Music, movies & hockey. Since hockey season recently ended, I suppose I'll spend my time delving into the other two categories. What kinds, though?

Movies: Horror, exploitation, cult classics, cult-not-so-classics, whatever else I decide to peek at.

Music: I believe I put "headbang" in the blog title for a reason. I'll review/comment on whatever I'm listening to at the moment, so that you (the enviable reader) can decide for yourselves.

The summer is beginning and we're doing the same. Hope you like it.

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